Friday, May 24, 2013

How can you justify performance pay when no objective performance evaluation has occurred

Councillors ; It all very well saying your staff are doing a great job.
It may be only words and  impressions ; if the people don't believe you , you need to check yourself .Find out what is really going on .Ignorance is no excuse . Maybe you are too afraid to ask questions that threaten those in power,  but whose weapons are information but who are supposed to be our servants ( and propely answer questions) . Information is power and you are entitled,  if you don't know - to get a straight answer ; One that you know both You and the member of the Public can understand , even if they don't accept .

  1. What you need to do is make sure the process is working efficently  ( The time it takes and the  public and private cost  it takes to get permits and answers  for example);
  2. Does dissatisfaction registered at the counter register up the top? . You can STOP reading right now if you can tell me the place where these facts are dealt with  .
  3. Then convince the people of the Shire that they are listening and acting on specific concerns , not just running random and expensive surveys  that may well mistarget areas of real need for improvement .

Lets face facts : none at the time of writing really believes you are really properly acting on genuine concerns expressed by sensible citizens in relation to delays in processing applications.Tell us about 1 , 2 or 3 or all three .
Have your surveys identified for you where the real need for improvement is ? , which Departments / tasks are performing most poorly  and then - esp the executives who are ultimately responsible;
The people want objective review and objective lists of what staff do and what they have achieved .
Monday nights meeting is too late - too little,  too late.