Monday, December 9, 2013

What to do about the Councils bad reputation ?

Simply admit it has one --would be a start.

We know the executives performance pay is linked to their evaluations,  so there is little reason for a change in perception on the executives part .  But you blokes ?
Something seems to be wrong with senior executives  assessment  method  when over 400 people turn up a public meeting and focus on the executive .  
We know  Mr Small left last time after VCAT severely criticized him and his team for allowing a house (and a non conforming 3 lot subdivision) be built on a prominent ridgeline less than I kilometre and adjacent to Red Rock.
Mr Brian Crook invited him back , but on what basis and with what performance guarantees ? When will Mr Small  leave us this time,  and at what cost ?

Whose really running the show at Rae street ? Is it the lawyers or rule makers who constantly threaten some called serious rule breakers in  our community .Will blaming the outsiders work when so many can see the accountability problems are NOT being dealt with internally . Mayor speaks for so many who perhaps  she should ask to speak for themselves- that might clear the air a bit .

Why does Mayor Mrs Russell  not  seem to accept that accountability from those highly paid "public servants" who stand behind is her responsibility - especially before they jump ship after a few year of well paid private service ?