Sunday, July 14, 2013

Campaigns for the people by the outsiders

So much propaganda by our Council spokespersons  in recent years lacks depth and credibility , Take the outside funded "Colac promotion"  combined with the high rates .  How long can the facade of spending money,  as outsiders think we should , dictate how we keep this place going ?
If we keep and attract businesses,  rather than just " people " we keep professions and people.two wins
How can we keep good teachers if our students study in Geelong ? If Council officers don't actually live here
  they can be expected to  keep employing outside professionals to tell us how to live and improve our lot . Take the overly simple dumb campaigns to just attract "people "recently in TV ad campaign .The money could have made a lotta signs !  " Just come here to cruise eh ?" 

If our leaders don't want to live here,  how can they decide why others should ? People come here , not because there is work here,  but because houses are cheap -     shallow and unsustainable leadership thinking.

Sometimes I wish Brian Crook would take himself seriously ( prove that locals are just as professional as anyone ) and say " no more outside dictation , or at least,  " explain yourselves instead of this old rhetoric that we have consulted and noone  came ( = not interested ) or "  we must trust those we made commitments to …….on behalf of the people "  " they know something we don't " even Cheeseman left town.and paved the road outta ere . Not very credible when Colac Otway is indeed a great place to live . 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Performance pay is NOT appropriate

Senior management and the Mayor are very happy with our planning executives and CEO's  performance, but the people of the area are not ( public meetings in June ) . Our Council spends 1.5 million dollars on Information management and still manage to lose lots of files
Here is  another issue they don't seek to resolve conflict -not even talking about the above uneccesary disasters waiting to happen ALL over the Shire .
Our roads are disaster areas and noone on Council has acted to change the dangerous situations occurring all over the Shire . Clearly some Councillors take more notice of closet conservationists than they do of practical ones.This is plain obviuos to any objective observer.
Its not clear therfore ,  in their rush to put through another overlay imposing vegetation controls (C70 ) on their roads that the Colac Otway shire really have control over their own roads .
I wonder if their information management system has this problem even listed . These unresolved edge issues all around the Shire could cost a life or two if they don't finally DO something to stop others from telling them what to do.
 In some sort of strange paradox C67 is the Shire telling the long suffering ratepayers how to prevent damage to their own infrastructure. as if they don't already know about soils