Sunday, July 14, 2013

Campaigns for the people by the outsiders

So much propaganda by our Council spokespersons  in recent years lacks depth and credibility , Take the outside funded "Colac promotion"  combined with the high rates .  How long can the facade of spending money,  as outsiders think we should , dictate how we keep this place going ?
If we keep and attract businesses,  rather than just " people " we keep professions and people.two wins
How can we keep good teachers if our students study in Geelong ? If Council officers don't actually live here
  they can be expected to  keep employing outside professionals to tell us how to live and improve our lot . Take the overly simple dumb campaigns to just attract "people "recently in TV ad campaign .The money could have made a lotta signs !  " Just come here to cruise eh ?" 

If our leaders don't want to live here,  how can they decide why others should ? People come here , not because there is work here,  but because houses are cheap -     shallow and unsustainable leadership thinking.

Sometimes I wish Brian Crook would take himself seriously ( prove that locals are just as professional as anyone ) and say " no more outside dictation , or at least,  " explain yourselves instead of this old rhetoric that we have consulted and noone  came ( = not interested ) or "  we must trust those we made commitments to …….on behalf of the people "  " they know something we don't " even Cheeseman left town.and paved the road outta ere . Not very credible when Colac Otway is indeed a great place to live . 

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