Wednesday, May 19, 2010

COPAC - is it really the arts centre, or the Council centre?

If death and taxes are certain, so surely is the expansion of local government . So where are all those cars and people going to go ?
Perhaps more importantly, why compromise our wonderful Arts precinct.


  1. Rereading CH friday last week was a shock . Council seem to think they can do what they like with buildings on the site . Don't think so! Gotta plan for everything else - where's the plan for the arts precinct !

  2. I met with Council yesterday . They were happy to tell me the historical society might be happy to move to the High school site and their place turned into a gallery . Fine but there are no car parks and the theatre needs space and there is not room to swing a cat in the council offices. Someone has to move and plan to move .
    The reps weren't very receptive to the idea that the Council should move out to the High School site too All 8.7 hectares of it .
    Suggested they put that in their master plan Planning is about sustainability and yet a lot of the planning talk on this matter is about keeping whats unsustainable that way - the COPAC site must be planned as a visitor ARTS CENTRE
